Like I said, this week is spirit week. Today the students were allowed to wear college clothing with their uniforms. This meant I got to wear a UC sweatshirt! It was nice to wear something comfortable for once. I also mentioned that we are having a door decorating contest (which we are going to win, by the way!). Here's a preview. I'm bringing my camera tomorrow to take pictures of the final product.
We are at the point in the projects now that I just want to be done. It's so hard because I was the "model" student. I always did my work and turned it in on time. I'm getting frustrated because a lot of the students are not ready to have everything complete by Friday, which they really needed to have finished today. This project is just draining everything out of me. Plus, work called and woke me up at 5:30 this morning to see if I could work, even though I told them I teach every day. So, I'm pretty much running on nothing. Wednesdays are the worst anyways because I'm literally busy from 8-6:50. I need to have more patience... and sleep, especially in my first few years of teaching because they are going to be the worst!
It's funny/awesome the rapport I am building with my students. Remember the boy I gave the detention to at the beginning of the year? Well, he's FINALLY warming up to me! It's awesome because I've been trying so hard to show him that I actually care about his learning and I don't have it out for him. One of my other students told me that I was their favorite teacher on the team (second favorite teacher in the school). I told them I was leaving and the girls were so shocked and told me not too! I love that they like me, but part of me has to remind myself that I'm here to teach them not to become buddies with them. In the classroom setting I am more adult and professional though so that should make my unit go well.
Some more comments from my students:
Karim: "Hi, miss Albert. You look lovely today. Do you have any poster board."
Me: "Karim, that is a way to a woman's heart, but no I do not have any."
So, Diante was pretty salty today during class. He barely talked (because he was way behind on his project). I thought he finally gave up but no. He wanted something from me and goes, "Beautiful. I mean, Miss Albert." Then I start laughing because it was hilarious and he goes, "Aw you're blushing." I go, "No, I'm not. I just think that's hilarious."
My sister is awesome and has such a passion and heart for helping girls who are victims of sex trafficking. She went to India this summer to help with the initiative and is pretty involved at UT. She wrote an article for the school newspaper which you can read here. She was also on the news! Don't tell her, I admire her and sometimes I'm jealous of the fact that she is a much better person than I will ever be! I'm too selfish! You can watch the news video below.
Make You Think - Seinfeld Teaches History for SNL
This video is pretty hilarious. Sometimes I feel like him!
Can't wait to see the final door!