Thursday, January 21, 2016

Madrid Pt. 6: New Years Day

Madrid, Spain
Friday, December 1, 2016

Once again most places were closed, including restaurants and stores. Catherine and I just walked around and saw a lot of outdoor things. She took me to Las Ventas, which didn't even cross my mind as something to see while in Spain. I actually wanted to go on a tour of the Royal Palace, but I decided to go to Las Ventas again because how often do you get to go on a tour of a bull fighting ring? Since it was closed on Friday, we just walked around and I took some pictures.

We then walked a ways to the Royal Palace. It was closed, like every thing else in Madrid, but there was a lot going on in the area. I really like palaces and castles, they are one of my favorite things to visit in cities, so I plan to go back to Madrid and go on a tour.

Across the court yard is the Catedral de la Almudena. We just walked around it and also saw the Arab Wall which was on the other side of the cathedral. The wall isn't all that spectacular, but it's definitely something you should see in Madrid because it's amazing to see how it is still standing after so many years!
Finally, we went to Parque de la Montaña. Inside the park was the Templo de Debod. It is an actual temple from Egypt that was gifted to Spain. I think you can go inside the temple as well, but it was closed so we didn't. The park has a really amazing view of Madrid as well. Since it's close to the palace and Arab wall it's definitely worth the stop to see.
My feet were killing me from all the walking we did the past few days. It also started to rain, so we decided to head back early. We went to the Metro and were excited that we could get to our line from the entrance, but t turned out we still had to walk for some time in the metro to get to it. It was funny and we said we should have just walked home but at least we were out of the rain. We wanted to have chicken chili for dinner, but both grocery stores we went to were closed so we just decided to go back and eat popcorn and other snacks. There is a movie theater right next to their apartment so we decided to see Macbeth. Something interesting that my cousin told me was that they really want people to learn English, so all the movies are in English with Spanish subtitles, which is different from Russia where everything is in Russian. Even though it was in English I was SO confused on what was happening. My high school English teacher will probably be really upset. Sorry, Carissa! I should have read the plot before I went to see it, but even if I had I probably still wouldn't have liked it which is a shame because I like Marion Cotillard. We ended the night by buying Thai takeout and going to sleep early!

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