We have finally come to the end of our trip! We started off the day on a crocodile jungle safari boat cruise. At first we weren't seeing any crocodiles, but then we started seeing them all over. Our boat captain pulled up next to a huge crocodile. We were partially on land and I felt that if the crocodile started running toward us we wouldn't be able to pull out fast enough. I have a video of the captain provoking one of the crocodiles and it turned toward us like it wanted to fight. That was terrifying.

After the cruise, we went to Sarchí for lunch and visited two different souvenir shops. I bought a hammock for Javier that we finally set up this summer, and I actually relaxed in it the day I wrote this post! We went back to San Jose and stayed at the same hotel that we were in our first night. I got a smaller room this time. At night we went to a Folklore Night at Britt Coffee Co. where we ate delicious food and watched traditional dancing. It was a cool experience.

I had such a great time in Costa Rica, and it was SO NICE to not have to plan anything! It's definitely nice to travel once in a while without worrying about anything.
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