On our 3rd day in Costa Rica, we started the day off by kayaking on Lake Arenal. I didn't get any photos with my camera because I was afraid of it getting damaged by the water. I was able to get some photos with my phone. After kayaking, we went to La Fortuna Waterfall. We had to walk down so many stairs to get there. My calves were shaking by the time I got to the bottom. I was by myself for this part of the trip, so I took photos and just enjoyed the scenery. I didn't go swimming, but I did put my feet into the water. I even managed to get someone to take a photo on my phone of me in front of the waterfall. Eventually I had to make my way back up, and it was a rough go trying to climb back up all those stairs. I had been working out for almost a year at that point but it showed me just how out of shape I still was.

After the waterfall the kids participated in a local exchange with a girls' soccer team. Some kids played soccer and others ran the track. We could see the volcano from the field, but, by the time I walked over to take a photo, it had been obscured by clouds. I don't think I mentioned before, but there were two other school groups along with ours. A chaperone for one of the groups was so annoying. She was Latina, and so condescending when she talked about how she was the only who who could truly speak Spanish. For context, in Costa Rica you'll see "Pura Vida" everywhere. It's just something the say. When I was walking behind her a short distance, and she said "Pura Vida" to a local and then turned to her friend and said "I'm the only one who can say it." I had the biggest eye roll. She wasn't even Costa Rican.

After the local exchange, we split up. If you had paid to go on a chocolate tour you went with one group. The rest of us stayed with our guide and walked around downtown Fortuna. We stopped and got ice cream. After their chocolate tour, we finished the night at the Arenal hot springs. The place was huge and not at all what I imagined. It was so nice to lounge in the water. The higher up you went the warmer the water. It was just so relaxing, and I can't wait to go to El Salvador with J, so he can take me to the hot springs there!
Are you convinced yet to visit Costa Rica?
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