Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Madrid Pt. 4: Segovia

Segovia, Spain
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

On Wednesday Catherine and I went to Segovia. She bought tickets on the fast train via Renfe which was worth the price since it wasn't much more and saved you about and hour and a half. Catherine and Ben said they have been debating how long to spend in Segovia, and I agree with them, you need about 4-5 hours max there. The town is really small, so you walk around really quickly, unless you're a foodie and want to try different restaurants.

When we arrived we packed into the bus that would take us from the train station to the city. The bus was packed! I was convinced I was going to fly out the door because I was standing right up next to it (you know in the area you aren't supposed to cross while the bus is in motion) and I didn't have anything to hold on to because there were too many people around. That meant I fell into Catherine one too many times. First, we stopped into Dunkin Donuts (or Dunkin Coffee as it's called in Spain) so I could get a muffin because I was super hungry. Then we walked around and I took pictures. The Aqueducts are so cool to see! It's impressive that they were built without any cement. The city was just so cute.

We walked to Alcazar and went inside to walk through the castle. I love visiting castles and palaces. Unfortunately, they were working on part of the building so we couldn't walk up to the top. It also meant my pictures of the castle have a large green tarp in some of them.
We took a long way along the edge of Segovia when we were done because we pretty much saw Segovia, and didn't know what to do to kill time. We stopped in Marín for Ponche Segoviano which is a dessert Segovia is known for. The owner was kind of weird because he was just standing there staring at us, but it was worth it for the dessert.
We walked around so quickly that we ended up going back to the bus station an hour early because we didn't know what else to do. It was so cold and we were so hungry waiting for the train. Then we were stuck on the Metro for at least 20 minutes. At first the train stopped, then we all got off and got on the next train, but then that train was standing for 5 minutes and when it began to move it moved at 1 mph. We were just so hungry. When we got back we ended up eating a bunch of tapas again and then by the time we got dinner we weren't super hungry. Typical.


  1. These photos are great! Amazing textures all piled together. Ah day trips so exhausting haha

    1. The town was so beautiful and there were so many cute little alleys, but it doesn't take long to admire it all :)

  2. I love that you take a million pictures of buildings.


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