Anyways, we packed A TON into our second day in NYC, so it's actually going to be multiple posts. We started off the morning at the Pearl Diner thanks to a recommendation from Alexandra. She basically gave me all the food recs. After breakfast we walked to the Brooklyn Bridge because it wasn't too far away. We actually got kind of lost trying to find how to actually get to the bridge. There were a lot of people on the bridge, but the views were fantastic.

After walking over the Brooklyn Bridge, we went to R & R Coffee which is now apparently permanently closed. I can't say it was the best coffee I've ever had, but there was a reason we stopped there. Maybe to use the bathroom? Then we walked towards Trinity Cemetery. Knowing me I probably had things mapped out and how to best use our time, but I honestly can't remember and I never wrote most of it down. I have a whole different post about Trinity Cemetery.

We then walked to the World Trade Center. I was in 7th grade at the time, and I remember September 11 like it happened yesterday. Even today, it's so strange to have lived through such an emotional event. I hadn't been to NYC before so it was shocking to see how big the buildings were and trying to imagine what it must have felt like to see the rubble when they fell. We walked around the grounds and then sat outside the entrance waiting for our time to go on the tour.

I love a good scenic view, and I don't think you can do better than the one from the top of the One World Trade Center building. Prove me wrong though.

When we were finished, we headed to Joe's Pizza and Molly's cupcakes - also recommendations from Alexandra. Both are famous NY staples, so when in Rome as they say. I think the cupcakes really messed up my stomach though because I was not feeling well after that. Sometimes sugary foods do that to me. I don't think I had food poisoning because it didn't last long.

Since it was getting towards the end of the day we had to make a big decision on where our last stop would be because we wouldn't have time to do much more. I think I said I wanted to go to Roosevelt Island. So that was our last stop. I think we were also going to try to make it to Time's Square, but we already had a jammed packed day.

On our way back to our Airbnb we stopped to pick up a few souvenirs. I really started to feel something going on with my body but I didn't think much of it because we had been busy. The next day I was feeling even worse. On the drive home my body ached so much. I think I ended up with the flu because I was down for the next day or so. That won't keep me from going back though. There is so much we didn't see!

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